DCLP Transcription [xml]
Medical recipe. Papyrus fragment (24,6 x 33.7 cm) preserving on the recto 34 lines of writing (on the verso, a documentary text). The ink is so faint that only ll. 27-35 are readable. The text is arranged in two columns; the prescription is contained in the second one. The recipe (a κυδωνάτον) can be partially reconstructed through the comparison with the quince drink described by Paul.Aeg. 7.11.30 (CMG 9.2, 304.20-305.4 Heib.). The accordance between pap. and Paulus’s recipe involves the drink composition as well as the quantities specified for some ingredients; several amounts are nonetheless different. The handwriting dates back to the 6th-7th cent. AD.
27☧ σκευασία κυδονάτ̣ου(*) ☧
κόστου (οὐγκία) α
καρεοφύλλου [(οὐγκίαι)] γ̣
30ναρδοστάχ̣υ̣ος (οὐγκίαι) ε̣
πετρο[σ]ελήνου(*) (οὐγκία) ̣
ζηνγηβέρ̣εω̣[ς](*) (οὐγκίαι(?)) γ
[κ]υ̣δο[νί]ον̣ κ̣α̣θαρ̣ον(*) [ -ca.?- ]
35[ -ca.?- ]ην̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
- 27.
This is the first attestation of the words κυδώνατον and σκευασία on papyrus.
- 28.
Paulus (Paul.Aeg. 7.11.30 [CMG 9.2, 305.1 Heib.]) has πεπέρεως instead of κόστου.
- 29.
The reading of gamma is not safe, but the amount is not 1 ounce as in Paulus (CMG 9.2, 305.2 Heib.).
- 31.
Paulus (CMG 9.2, 305.1 Heib.) mentions parsley without indicating any amount.
- 32.
Paulus (CMG 9.2, 305.1-2 Heib.) has 5 ounces.
- 35.
The scarce traces do not allow the parallel with Paulus’s [τεμαχ]ησ̣θ̣[έντων] (CMG 9.2, 304.21 Heib.).