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MPER N.S. 13 8 = Trismegistos 64793 = LDAB 6031

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Medical recipes. Parchment fragment (11.5 x 11 cm) consisting of five smaller pieces. It was part of a codex written on both sides by the same hand: on the hair-side, the text is severely damaged on the left edge, especially at ll. 1-10 (upper margin ca. 1 cm; right and left margins ca. 2.5 cm). On the flesh-side, the fragment shows a better state of preservation, but only the beginnings of ll. 30-35 survive in its upper part (top margin 1 cm; right margin 1-1.5 cm; left margin 3 cm). Page numbers are visible in the top-right and top-left corners. The document contains four recipes against eye diseases: an eye-salve made with heath ([κολλούρ]ιον ἐρεικηρόν – ll. 3-12; see Aet. 7.104 [CMG 8.2, 361.1ff. Oliv.]), a second kollyrion made from roses (κολλούριον διὰ ῥό[δω]ν – ll. 14-24), a remedy against fistulas (ll. 29-36; see Gal. Comp.med.per gen. 2.12 [13, 520.15ff K], 5.3 [13, 800.8ff K], 5.12 [13, 836.16ff K]), and a third kollyrion which is again made from roses (κολλούριον διὰ ῥόδων – ll. 38-49; see Orib. Syn. 3.158 [CMG 6.3, 106.15-20 Raed.], Aet. 7.110 [CMG 8.2, 375.14-377.11 Oliv.], Paul.Aeg. 7.16.37 [CMG 9.2, 342.7-11 Heib.], Gal. Comp.med.sec.loc. 4.8 [12, 767.12-768.14 K]). Ornamental lines (ll. 2, 13, 25, 28, 37, 50) and ektheseis are added to indicate the beginning of a new recipe. The handwriting is a neat and stylish bookhand assignable to the 5th cent. AD.

md -[α]-

((ekthesis)) [κολλ{ο}ύρ]ιον ἐρεικηρόν
[ἐρείκης κ]αρποῦ (οὐγκίαι) δ
5[καδμ]ίας (οὐγκίαι) γ
[ζμύ]ρνης (οὐγκία) α
[κόμ<μ>ε]ως (οὐγκία) α
[ -ca.?- ](*) (οὐγκία) α
[ἀκακ{ε}]ίας (οὐγκίαι) γ
10[πεπέρ]εως (οὐγκίαι) γ
ἰ̣ο̣ῦ̣ [σκώ]ληκος(*) (οὐγκίαι) δ

((ekthesis)) κολλ{ο}ύριον διὰ ῥό[δω]ν
15ῥόδον χλορον(*) (οὐγκίαι) θ
καδμίας (οὐγκίαι) γ
κρόκου γρ(άμματα) ιη
ἰ̣ο̣ῦ̣ [ξυστοῦ](*) γρ(άμματα) ς
ζμύρ[νης] γρ(άμματα) ς
20ὀπίο[υ] γρ(άμματα) ς
ἐρίκη̣[ς κ]α̣ρ[π]ο̣ῦ̣(*) γρ(άμματα) θ
ἀκακ{ε}ίας γρ(άμματα) θ
κό[μ<μ>ε]ως γρ(άμματα) θ
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ms -β-

((ekthesis)) πρὸ<ς> σύρινγας(*)·
30χαλκίτεως [ -ca.?- ]
καδμίας [ -ca.?- ]
καλακάνθη[ς](*) [ -ca.?- ]
σούρεως(*) [ -ca.?- ]
φέκλης [ -ca.?- ]
35ἰοῦ [ -ca.?- ]α //
κόμ<μ>εως (οὐγκίαι) δ

((ekthesis)) κολλ{ο}ύριον διὰ ῥόδων
ῥό[δ]ον χλορον(*) (οὐγκίαι) θ
40κα[δ]μίας (οὐγκίαι) γ
κρόκου γρ(άμματα) ιη
ἰοῦ γρ(άμματα) ς
ναρδοστάχ[υο]ς γρ(άμματα) ς
λεπ[ίδος χαλ(κοῦ) γ]ρ(άμματα) ς
45ὀπί[ου] γρ(άμματα) ς
στίμεω[ς] (οὐγκία ) [ -ca.?- ]
ζμύρνης (οὐγκία ) [ -ca.?- ]
κόμ<μ>εως [ -ca.?- ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ r.8. or [ὀπίου]
^ r.11. Youtie ZPE 51 (1983), 71 : ναρδοσμίλακος prev. ed.
^ r.15. l. ῥόδων χλωρῶν
^ r.18. Youtie ZPE 51 (1983), 71-72 : καδμί[ας] vestig prev. ed.
^ r.21. Youtie ZPE 51 (1983), 71-72 : ἐρικείης (l. ἐρείκης) prev. ed.
^ v.29. l. σύριγγας, Youtie ZPE 51 (1983), 72 : πρὸς ἴρινγας (l. ἴλιγγας) (or ἶριν γασ(τρώδη)) prev. ed.
^ v.32. l. χαλκάνθη[ς]
^ v.33. l. σώρεως
^ v.39. l. ῥό[δ]ων χλωρῶν


  • 1.

    Tiny traces of some ornament in the upper-right corner; page number is lost, but it must have been α.

  • 2.

    Scanty remains of a decorative line can be identified under UV light and microscope.

  • 8.

    ὀπίου also occurs in the second eye salve recipe (l. 20).

  • 11-12.

    These lines are written in smaller characters and may have been added at a later time by the same hand. ἰ̣ο̣ῦ̣ [σκώ]ληκος: ἰός also occurs at ll. 35 and 42.

  • 12.

    ϋδωρ pap.

  • 18.

    Verdigris (ἰός) is also attested in the context of a κολλούριον διὰ ῥό[δω]ν ('kollyrion made from roses') at l. 42.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)