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P.Kellis 1 89 = Trismegistos 64439 = LDAB 5663

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DCLP Transcription [xml]


Prescription for an eyesalve (P.Kell. 1.89). Papyrus scrap (9 x 11 cm) containing a list of ingredients and quantities. The substances are compatible with an eyesalve (cf. Marganne 1994). For Coptic documentation on eyesalves see Till 1951.

(This papyrus has been digitally edited by Nicola Reggiani as part of the Project "DIGMEDTEXT - Online Humanities Scholarship: A Digital Medical Library based on Ancient Texts" (ERC-AdG-2013, Grant Agreement no. 339828) funded by the European Research Council at the University of Parma (Principal Investigator: Prof. Isabella Andorlini). The digital edition is mostly based on the previous edition (K.A. Worp, P.Kell. I 89).)

Traces vac. ? (ουγκία(?)) α̣
π̣ι̣π̣έ̣ρεως vac. ? (ουγκία(?)) α̣
Traces vac. ? (ουγκία) α
ζμύρνης vac. ? (ουγκία) α
5καδμείας vac. ? (ουγκία) α̣


  • 4.

    On the myrrh as an ingredient of medical recipes see Andorlini 1981, 63-5.

  • 5.

    On cadmia (zinc oxide) as an ingredient of medical recipes see Andorlini 1981, 65-70.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)