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MPER N.S. 13 5 = Trismegistos 64353 = LDAB 5575

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Medical recipe. Fragment (9.9 x 3 cm) of a papyrus sheet broken on the upper and right sides, preserving 5 lines on the recto (left margin: 0.3 cm; lower margin: 5.5 cm). Verso is blank. The text is roughly written and riddled with errors. The ingredients mentioned probably belong to a prescription against eye-diseases (Harrauer-Sijpesteijn 1981 = [MPER 13.5]) or, more simply, to a list of pharmaceutical products (Marganne 1983, 250). The handwriting is assignable to the 3rd or 4th cent. AD.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
κρόκο[υ -ca.?- ]
πιπεω(*) [ -ca.?- ]
λυβα̣ο[ -ca.?- ](*)
5χα̣λ̣κο̣[ῦ -ca.?- ](*)


^ 3. l. πιπέ<ρε>ω[ς] (corr)
^ 4. l. λιβά<ν>ο[υ] (corr)
^ 5. Marganne 1983, 250 : χα̣λ̣κιω̣[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.


  • 2.

    The first kappa is written twice.

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