DCLP Transcription [xml]
Medical prose. Fragment (5 x 11 cm) of a papyrus roll, preserving on the recto the top-left portion of a single column of writing: only the initial part of 13 lines survives; top margin is 1 cm, left margin 0.8 cm. On the verso, scanty traces of ink cursively written. The brevity and the lacunosity of this fragment make the positive determination of its meaning difficult, but it seems to be part of a medical treatise. The text is copied in a typical round book-hand of the 2nd cent. AD.
εντ[ ̣] ̣ των σ[ -ca.?- ]
οντ ̣ ̣ ̣ν̣ βυβ̣[ -ca.?- ](*)
των ̣ ̣ ̣ωσσ[ -ca.?- ]
5ειπε[το α]σ\θ̣/υα̣ [και σφυ-]
γμο[ς υ]ειζω[ν του ει-]
ωθο[τ]ος(*) και πα̣[λμος ισχυ-]
ρος και θ[ερ]μα[σια πλει-]
ων προς την [εσπεραν· ως](*)
10[ε]π[ι] το πολυ δ̣[ εφαινετο λευ-]
[κοτ]ερος ο χρ[ως , ο δε πυρε-]
[τος επε]τεινε [ -ca.?- ](*)
[ -ca.?- ] ̣[ -ca.?- ]
^ 1. ρα τ̣εθέντα̣[ -ca.?- ] Traversa, Aegyptus 33 (1953), 63
^ 3. or βυρ̣[ -ca.?- ], ον τ[ῶ]ν βυβ[λίων -ca.?- ] Traversa, Aegyptus 33 (1953), 63
^ 5-7. Gronewald, ZPE 40 (1980), 56 : ειπε ̣ ̣ ̣σμ ̣[ -ca.?- ]|γμο ̣ ̣ ̣ειζω[ -ca.?- ] (εὐζω[ -ca.?- ] Traversa, Aegyptus 33 (1953), 63)|ωθο ̣ος prev. ed.
^ 7-9. Gronewald, ZPE 40 (1980), 56 : πα̣[ -ca.?- ]|ρος και θ ̣ ̣μα[ -ca.?- ]|ων προς την ̣[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 10-12. Gronewald, ZPE 40 (1980), 56 : [ε]π[ι] το πολυ ̣[ -ca.?- ]|[ -ca.?- ]ερος ο χρ[ -ca.?- ]|[ -ca.?- ] ̣γειν ε[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.