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Trismegistos 62823 = LDAB 4013

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The ostrakon preserves verses 434-438 of Theognis. Verse breaks are indicated on the ostrakon by a blank space (represented with vac. in the transcription). Following a paragraphos between lines ten and eleven, there begins a passage of unknown comedy (PCG 8 1049).

(This edition results from a reexamination of a photo of the ostrakon by Julia Lougovaya, work conducted in the context of the University of Heidelberg's SFB 933, "Material Text Cultures," TP A09 "Writing on Ostraca in the Inner and Outer Mediterranean.")

εἰ δ’ ἦμ(*) ποιητόν
τε καὶ ἔνθετον ἀνδρὶ
νοήμα vac. ? πο̣λλο̣ὺ[ς](*)
ἂν μισθοὺς καὶ μεγάλους
5ἔφ̣ερον vac. ? οὔποτ’ ἂν ἐξ
ἀγαθοῦ πατρὸς ἔγεντο(*) κακός.
πειθόμενος μύθοισι σαόφρο-
σιν ἀλλὰ διδάσκων vac. ?
οὔποτε ποιήσεις τὸγ(*) κακὸν
10ἄνδρα ἀγαθόν vac. ?
καὶ μάλα φιλάνθρωπον ποεῖς
τῆς ἀσφαλείας τῆς ἰδίας vac. ?
μεμέληκέ σοι vac. ?
ἡμᾶς προεμένωι vac. ?


^ 1. l. ἦν
^ 3. J. Lougovaya (from photo; as in Plato Men. 95e and Thgn. 434) (via PN) : πάλιν prev. ed.
^ 6. l. ἐγένετο
^ 9. l. τὸν


  • 1-3.

    The first two verses (434 and 435) are transposed, as in Plato.

  • 3.

    πολλού[ς] is superior to πάλιν (reading the latter does not account for the letter directly after pi). The first omicron in πολλούς has been obscured by smearing, and the letter that the original editor took as nu is rather upsilon; sigma is abraded.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)