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Trismegistos 59968 = LDAB 1080

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Parts of a surgical treatise attributed to Heliodorus (P.Strasb. inv. 1187). The two papyrus scraps (fr. A 10,5 x 5,7 cm; fr. B 5,5 x 1,6 cm), in a bad state of preservation, come from a roll and are written on the recto along the fibres (the verso is blank). Fr. A preserves two columns (19 and 8 lines long respectively) with an intercolumnium of 2 cm; fr. B preserves 7 lines. All margins are lost in both fragments. Lewis (ed.pr.) matched fr. B with fr. A from l. 14 to l. 20; Fausti (ed.alt.) and Marganne refuse this combination and put fr. B after fr. A, col. II. In the ed.pr., the beginning of fr. A, col. I, has two extra lines that Fausti removes in her edition, in which fr. A, col. II, has an initial line (ca. 16 vestiges characters), missing in the ed.pr. There is a scribal correction at l. 11, col. I fr. A, by superscription without erasure of the incorrect letter (σμειλιο\ω/των) and a diplography at l. 14 (σιναρῶν τῶν σιναρῶν). The content is divided into two sections: the first topic (fr. A, col. I, ll. 1-16) describes a surgery performed both with ἐκκοπεύς ('chisel for excising') and σμιλιωτὸς ἐκκοπεύς ('very sharp chisel'); the second one (fr. A, col. I, ll. 17-19 and col. II) deals with diseases that can be healed by surgery and therapy (e.g. ἀπόστημα, 'abscess'); fr. B probably concerns two types of διόρθωσις ('treatment', cf. ll. 3,4 and 6) and it is independent from fr. A. The hand, elegant and slightly curved, with very small sized (1-2,5 mm), tied letters and line-spacing of 1,5 mm, is an informal round dated to the 2nd cent. A.D.. (This papyrus has been digitally edited by Francesca Bertonazzi as part of the Project "DIGMEDTEXT - Online Humanities Scholarship: A Digital Medical Library based on Ancient Texts" (ERC-AdG-2013, Grant Agreement no. 339828) funded by the European Research Council at the University of Parma (Principal Investigator: Prof. Isabella Andorlini). The digital edition is mostly based on the previous editions (ed.pr. = N. Lewis, Études de papirologie III (1936), 90-2; ed.alt. = D. Fausti, P.Strasb. inv. gr. 1187: testo chirurgico (Eliodoro?), Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Università di Siena 10 (1989), 157-69; ed.ter. = M.-H. Marganne, La chirurgie dans l'Égypte gréco-romaine d'après les papyrus littéraires grecs, Leiden Boston Koeln 1998, 67-84).)

fragment a
column I
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1[ -ca.?- ]   ̣  ̣  ̣ [σ]ι̣ναρὰς τότε
[ -ca.?- ] ἐ̣φώρα̣σεν(*) τρῆμα
[ -ca.?- ]νων εἶτα διὰ τῆς
[ -ca.?- τ]ῶ̣ν(*) ἐκκοπέων δια-
5[ -ca.?- ](*) ἐ̣πιτέλει τὸν βαστα-
[ -ca.?- ](*)   ̣ τὰ μὲν τὰ ἐργα  ̣-
[ -ca.?- ](*) α̣θων(*)· ἐπὶ δὲ τῶν
[ -ca.?- ]ν(*) ο̣ὐχ(*) ἀποδίδε̣ται(*) μα-
[ -ca.?- π]ροσεπιτρέπει τῷ τρυ-
10[πάνῳ -ca.?- ]   ̣  ̣  ̣ εως κενεμβατεῖν ε(*)-
[ -ca.?- τῶ]ν σ̣μ̣ειλι\ω/τῶν(*) ἐκκοπέω(ν)
[ -ca.?- ]   ̣  ̣  ̣ ι̣ν̣ δι' ἑνὸς τῶν βα-
[ -ca.?- ]   ̣  ̣ γ   ̣  ̣  ̣ τω   ̣  ̣ ε(*) βαστα-
[ -ca.?- ](*)   ̣ ν σιναρῶν(*) {τῶν σιναρῶν} ὁ παθώ(ν)(*)
15[διαμό]τωσις ἐνκρείνεται καὶ ἡ̣ πυοποιὸς(*)
[θεραπ]εία· ἐκεῖνο δὲ εἰδέναι δεῖ ὅτι ἐπὶ τοῦ
[ -ca.?- τῶ]ν ἀποστημ̣άτων μετὰ ὀλίγας τα̣(*).
[ -ca.?- ]   ̣ αἱφνίδιον ὁρᾶτ̣α̣ι τὸ βάθος ἀνα(*)-
[ -ca.?- ] - ca.30 -
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
column II
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1- ca.16 - [ -ca.?- ]
γων μετὰ τὸν οικε   ̣  ̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
τισμον καθείεται   ̣ π   ̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
μα διὰ̣ τ[οῦ] σ̣τομίου   ̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
5γως τῷ βάθει τῆς σ̣[ύ]ρ̣ι̣[γγος](*) [ -ca.?- ]
τὰ πεπονθότα τῆς̣ [ -ca.?- ]
γενομένης   ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]   ̣  ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
fragment b
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1[ -ca.?- ] τ̣ων   ̣ εντω   ̣  ̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]   ̣ νυ   ̣ τ̣ι̣ωνας μὲ̣ν̣ ε̣ι̣   ̣  ̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ εδωκέναι(*) τῇ δειορθώσει(*) καὶ [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] - ca.9 - ε συντετρημ̣ένας διορθω̣[ -ca.?- ](*) [ -ca.?- ]
5[ -ca.?- ]θ̣   ̣ υ   ̣ τητους(*)· ἡμεῖν δὲ ἀρέσκει π[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]ο̣π̣τ̣α̣   ̣ ειν(*) [τ]ῇ διορθώσει   ̣  ̣ υ   ̣ εδ   ̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]   ̣  ̣(*) [ -ca.?- ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ a.I.2. ἐ̣φώρησεν ed.pr.
^ a.I.4. or [ἀκμῆς τῶν σμειλιωτ]ῶν
^ a.I.4-5. or δια|κοπ- [ -ca.?- ]
^ a.I.5-6. βαστά|ζοντα ed.pr.
^ a.I.6-7. ἐργασ|μένα ed.pr.
^ a.I.7. [ἐ]λ̣θών ed.pr. : [π]α̣θών Fausti
^ a.I.8. or [λοιπῶ]ν
^ a.I.8. l. οὐκ
^ a.I.8. l. ἀποδίδoται
^ a.I.10. υμεστωσκεν ἐμβατεῖ νε ed.pr.
^ a.I.11. corr. ex σ̣μ̣ειλιοτῶν, ν̣ω̣ δεῖλι\ω/των (ωλι\ω/των corr. ex λιοτων) ed.pr.
^ a.I.13. ε̣ν̣α̣τωα̣σ̣τ̣ο̣υ̣ τ̣ὸ̣ δ̣ὲ ed.pr.
^ a.I.13-14. βάστα14.-[γμα] ed.pr.
^ a.I.14. or [τῶ]ν, α̣ισι ναίων ed.pr.
^ a.I.14. παθώ<ν> ed.pr.
^ a.I.15. l. ἐγκρίνεται, [μό]τωσις ἐνχρείνεται (l. ἐγχρίεται (or ἐγχραίνεται)) καὶ   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ποῖος ed.pr.
^ a.I.17. [ -ca.?- ]ε̣να τ̣ι̣ ὅστις̣ λαγ̣ὼν μετὰ ὀλίγας ταῖ̣ς̣ ed.pr.
^ a.I.18. ἀνδ ed.pr.
^ a.II.2-3. οἰκέω̣[ν] ed.pr. : οἰκε[ῖον σχημα]|τισμόν Fausti
^ a.II.3. l. καθίεται, τι ἐμὸν καθεῖρται   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ed.pr.
^ a.II.4. τ̣ο̣ὺ̣ς̣ τομίου̣ς ed.pr.
^ a.II.5. ε̣υ̣τ̣ι̣ ed.pr
^ b.1. τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ ἐ̣ν̣ τ̣ῷ α̣ ed.pr.
^ b.2. στ   ̣  ̣  ̣ τῶν ἃς μὲ̣ν̣ ε̣ἴτε ν   ̣ ed.pr.
^ b.3. γ̣μ̣α̣   ̣ ι̣εν   ̣ ωκεναι ed.pr.
^ b.3. l. διορθώσει
^ b.4. διορθώ̣[σει] ed.pr.
^ b.5.   ̣  ̣  ̣ ατητους prev. ed.
^ b.6.   ̣ ε̣π̣α̣   ̣ τ̣ε̣ιν ed.pr.
^ b.6.   ̣  ̣ ε̣δ̣ι̣ ed.pr.
^ b.7. ε̣ν̣ ed.pr.


  • a.I.1.

    Cf. Aret. 3.7.10 (CMG 2, 46.28 Hude), 3.7.12 (CMG 2, 47.8 Hude), 4.9.11 (CMG 2, 78.5 Hude) and 5.4.3 (CMG 2, 103.10 Hude); Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 46.22.18 (CMG 6.2.1, 234.11-2 Raed.).

  • a.I.3-4.

    Marganne suggests a form of διακόπτω ('cut through'): cf. Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 46.8.7 (CMG 6.2.1, 123.2-3 Raed.).

  • a.I.7-8.

    Marganne integrates λοιπῶν ('the rest') depending on Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 46.11.23 (CMG 6.2.1, 221.19-20 Raed.).

  • a.I.9-10.

    τρύπανον ('trepan') in close proximity to ἐκκοπεύς ('chisel for excising') also in Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 44.8.1-2 (CMG 6.2.1, 122.21-9 Raed.), 46.11.7 (CMG 6.2.1, 220.6-7 Raed.), 46.21.15-6 (CMG 6.2.1, 229.18-22 Raed.), 46.29.8 (CMG 6.2.1, 239.27-31 Raed.), Gal. Meth.med. 6.6 (10, 446.14-8 - 447.7 K), Paul.Aeg. 6.77.3 (CMG 9.2, 119.26-30 Heib.) and 6.88.5 (CMG 9.2, 132.17-22 Heib.).

  • a.I.10.

    For κενεμβατεῖν ('to reach a cavity') cf. Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 44.8.3 (CMG 6.2.1, 122.31 Raed.), 44.20.53 (CMG 6.2.1, 139.23 Raed.), 44.20.76 (CMG 6.2.1, 142.2-3 Raed.), 46.11.23 (CMG 6.2.1, 221.21-3 Raed.).

  • a.I.11.

    σ̣μ̣ειλιωτῶν (lege σμιλιωτῶν) is a scribal correction for σ̣μ̣ειλιοτῶν; Lewis (ed.pr.) supposed ν̣ω̣ δεῖ λιωτων.

  • a.I.15.

    For διαμότωσις ('bandage with a lint') cf. Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 46.8.4 (CMG 6.2.1, 217.33-7 Raed.) and Paul. Aeg. 6.90.5 (CMG 9.2, 140.6-10 Heib.).

  • a.I.16.

    For πυοποιὸς θεραπεία ('suppurative treatment') cf. Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 46.8.4-5 (CMG 6.2.1, 217.32-5 - 218.1-4 Raed.), 46.8.14 (CMG 6.2.1, 218.31 and 33 Raed.), Aët. XVI 45.1-3 (62.8-10 Zervos). With ἐγκρίνω ('to adopt, to use') see Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll. med. 46.29.10 (CMG 6.2.1, 239.34-5 Raed.).

  • a.I.17.

    For ἀποστημάτων ('abscess') cf. Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 46.8.8 (CMG 6.2.1, 218.13 Raed.).

  • a.II.2-3.

    Fausti suggests οἰκε[ῖον σχημα]τισμόν depending on Paul.Aeg. 6.64.2 (CMG 9.2, 106.15 Heib.).

  • a.II.4-5.

    Cf. Heliod. ap. Orib. Coll.med. 46.20.31 (CMG 6.2.1, 137.28-9 Raed.) and 46.20.65 (CMG 6.2.1, 140.33-5 Raed.).

  • 4.

    For στόμιον ('mouth of the abscess, or fistula') in close proximity to βάθος ('depth') and σῦριγξ ('fistula') cf. Heliod ap. Orib. Coll.med. 44.20.65 (CMG 6.2.1, 140.33-6 Raed.).

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