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P.Oxy. 78 5157 = Trismegistos 171902 = LDAB 171902

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DCLP Transcription [xml]

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1ἁρμ[ονίαι λόγους ἔ-]
χουσι̣[ν, ἃ δὲ πλημμε-]
λοῦσ̣ι̣ν ἄνθρω[ποι πε-]
ρὶ λύραν καὶ ὠ[ιδὴν καὶ]
5ὄρχησιν, ο[ὐκ ἄν τις πε-]


  • 2.

    There is an exiguous trace of suprascript ink above the iota. The paragraphus forks at its right-hand end and is different from the one of line 6.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)